[Vocabulary(英単語)] banquet

banquet (noun, verb)

【名】 宴会、晩餐会、祝宴、ごちそう、豪華な食事
【自動】 宴会に列席する、宴会を催す、ごちそうを食べる、楽しく食べる
【他動】 (人)を宴会を開いてもてなす

A banquet (English: /ˈbæŋk.wɪt/, French: [bɑ̃.kɛ]) is a large meal or feast[1], complete with main courses and desserts. It usually serves a purpose such as a charitable gathering, a ceremony, or a celebration, and is often preceded or followed by speeches in honour of someone. (ウィキペディアより http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banquet

late 15c., "feast, sumptuous entertainment," from Fr. banquet (15c.; in O.Fr. only "small bench"), from O.It. banchetto, dim. of banco "bench;" originally a snack eaten on a bench (rather than at table), hence "a slight repast between meals;" the meaning has entirely reversed. As a verb from 1510s.


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