[動画 YouTube] Big Blue Dress - Cranius (歌詞付き) [World of Warcraft]

数あるWorld of Warcraft関連ソングの中でも、もっともレベルが高いのがCraniusさんの歌。もちろん私は昔からずっと大ファンです。



I've been kicking ass since the dawn of time
I'm just a killing man that's reached my killing prime
I burn and I plunder as it suits my desire
The weapon of my choice is "great balls of fire"

So why, I ask, it just doesn't make much sense
That a man of my stature should have to wear a dress
I mean what, may I inquire, were you thinking on that day
When you conjured up for a man like me a robe that looks so gay

Ahhhh sit right back and your troubles melt away
Ahhhh he uses fire but his robe looks so gay

I was taught my craft at the dawn of pain
You may not like my methods but you'll surely know my name
I just think incendiary thoughts and my hands burst into flames
A few moments later and you'll never be the same


So if you're embarrassed and you hang your head in shame
You'd like an opportunity to redeem your worthy name
Well just remember this: when next you look to kill
That a man who's truly skilled can look quite good in twill 


Big Blue Dressは、Craniusさんの最初期の作品で、WoWがまだ無印(Vanilla、2004~06年頃)だったころのものです。


The weapon of my choice is "great balls of fire"


この時代のFire Ballマジでチートですから。Health低いClassが一発食らえば即死。しかも飛距離がすごい。まさにこの動画のような活躍ぶり・・・。
まあ、Priestは所詮味方の群れに隠れてこそこそしている他ない時代でしたよ。(後に結構強くなる。) Heal力がすごいから、別にゲームバランスが悪かったという意味ではないんだが。



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